What else should Popes be but plain-spoken? I'm glad that our newest Pope isn't averse to putting his foot in his mouth these days in terms of political correctness. His quote is correct in my book: Islam has brought nothing but misery to this world. Who's going to vote for a religion that treats women as possessions, and Jews and Christians as people to be either subjugated or killed?
I'm sorry, but anyone who believes Islam is a religion of peace is either stupid, delusional or just doesn't know a thing about Islam. I've been reading some histories recently about Islam and Muhammed (may porridge be upon his head). None of it's pretty. To be blunt, he was a class-A psycho with a penchant for power. He made up his revelations to fit whatever circumstance he found himself in. Anyone with an ounce of sense reading the Kuran can see that.
One of the very interesting concepts in the Kuran is that of the House of War and the House of Peace. Basically, if you adhere to Islam, you belong to the House of Peace (peace is essentially equated with obedience to Allah). If you don't adhere to Islam, then you belong to the House of War and are therefore open game for Islamics to wage jihad upon you until you either convert or pay the dhimmi tax of subjugation. That concept of two Houses is a permanent dynamic in Islam. No way of getting around it.
The other interesting concept in the Kuran is that believers are allowed to knuckle under to the laws and customs of a country they find themselves in if they are in the minority. Therefore, they can bide their time until they build up sufficient power to change that society into one that bows to Islam. Interesting. We're definitely seeing that going on in Europe these days.
Anyway. Let's hear it for plain-spoke Popes. Nice hat, sir.