Movie Plots
In Lucky You, a professional poker player (Eric Bana) gets a lesson in life from a struggling singer (Drew Barrymore) as he collides with his estranged father (Robert Duvall) at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.
That sounds about as stupid as a head of cauliflower. Who exactly is thinking up these stories? No wonder most people think Hollywood is worthless these days.
Let's see...might as well make up our own movie summary by swapping nouns, verbs and adjectives.
In Unlucky You, a professional plumber (Eric Bana) gets a load of lard from a wriggling pig-impersonator (Drew Barrymore) as he performs a series of illegal reverse-liposuction with a disbarred doctor (Robert Duvall) at the World Convention of Gaunt People in Des Moines, Iowa.
Yuck. They both sound terrible.