Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Barry Bonds, Steroids and Me

I have nothing to say about Barry Bonds as I do not know the man and neither do I ever watch baseball. What exactly is interesting about baseball?

However, I know a thing or two about steroids, having been on them for the past three months due to an undisclosed illness which is not contagious and will not affect the mental health of my unborn children. I'm currently on Prednisone, which inhibits certain functions of the immune system. Prednisone has interesting side effects, among them: hair loss, diminishing sense of taste, calcium leaching from the bones, jitteriness, diminishing eye sight and a tendency toward insomnia. So far, I've experienced all those except for the calcium loss. I might be experiencing that as well - I just have no way to tell, other than doing some expensive tests or seeing how easily my arm snaps when I hit it with a hammer. Which I'm not planning on doing.

All I can say is - if your doctor prescribes Prednisone, check out your options before you take it.


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