Thursday, April 06, 2006

Let's All Get Stressed And Check Out

My wife and I were recently over at some friends' house for dinner (baked chicken and potatoes). The husband related a story of a co-worker who had recently gone on disability due to stress. It wasn't that the fellow had a nervous breakdown or started seeing flying monkeys and black helicopters chasing him about. It was merely that work stressed him out to the point that...he felt stressed. His kindly doctor then recommended that he go on disability due to stress. Which he did. And now is buying a house up in the northwest with his stress-induced disability payments. He'll have enough money after the mortgage payments to live on.

Disability due to stress? What has our country come to?

Heck. I get stressed due to the little Finn waking up at 4:30 in the morning and being inconsolable for hours on end. I get stressed due to the local environmentalists spending all their time on trying to destroy the farming industry in this valley. I get stressed due to our politicians (of both donkey and elephant persuasions) spending all our money like there's no tomorrow. But do I go on disability?


In other news, the almond trees are blossoming. So, if you're feeling stressed, sniff the flowers, have a scone, think of something to thank God for, and try to rule out as an option going on disability due to stress.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE THIS!! We found something to agree on! : ) It's akin to a person without children telling you what to do about raising yours. Utterly unfathomable.

4:40 PM  
Blogger ToadRocket said...

I'm going to fire that housekeeper of mine. He keeps on sneaking on under my identity and writing these odd posts. Totally ruining my image.

7:56 PM  

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