Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Fictions of Grandpa Harry: Off to the Local Mosque

I'm not sure what Grandma would think about it all, as she was a fairly tolerant sort - declaring that margarine was almost as good as butter in her estimation, and that hippies could always be trusted if you kept an eye on them - but Grandpa Harry seems serious about becoming a Muslim.

"If it's good for Cat Stevens," he said the other day, plumping a bag of groceries down on the kitchen table, "then it's good enough for me."

"Er, I didn't realize he had such an influence on you."

"Built my first whiskey still coz of that feller. Bottled it and called it Moonshadow Moonshine. Why, I put your dad through college with the extra money. I've a soft spot for old Cat. They call him Sufi-something or another these days."

Grandpa waxed on about the benefits of moonshining and subsequent tax avoidance while he unloaded his groceries. A case of Sam Adams, bacon, and an extra large slab of cheddar cheese.

"Nothing like a wedge of cheese," he said, sawing off a hunk. He stuffed it in his mouth. "Alright. I'm off to the mosque for evening prayers and some feller is gonna give a talk about Wasabism, though I don't know why they're talking about that new-fangled Japanese cuisine in a mosque. It beats all. Pancakes and bacon for dinner?"

"You're doing what?"

But the front door had already slammed shut.

As I was saying, Grandpa Harry seems fairly serious about it all. Anyway, the bacon might bring him back around. I'll let you know how it goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris, Is Grandpa Harry a personification of the GOP?

10:35 AM  
Blogger ToadRocket said...

Heh... could be, at least in this instance. The GOP is pretty schizophrenic in terms of how they view Islam. However, I'll be using Grandpa Harry as a catch-all fiction for dealing with whatever my brain feels like tackling.

11:50 AM  

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