Monday, March 20, 2006

Bombs and Baba Ganoosh

Due to the intersecting currents of civilization and cuisine, my thoughts turn to either suicide bombers or baba ganoosh these days when I think of the Muslim culture. Granted, the Muslim culture has given us more than those two items, but my mind's fuzzy after it gropes for number three on the list.

I think Zarqawi and his murderous band of psychos would vastly improve their outlook on life if they just sat down with a bowl of some good baba ganoosh and pita bread. Their narrow view these days - bombs, more bombs, and cowardice - needs to be shaken up, and what better shaker than a serving of Mama Zarqawi's baba ganoosh?

Baba ganoosh ("baba" rhymes with Abba, the Swedish pop band, and "ganoosh" rhymes with, well, pa-woosh) is a delectable dip made of eggplant, tahini (sesame seed paste - available at most grocery stores), garlic, and lemon juice. Take three fat eggplants, prick them vigorously with a fork in several spots, and bake them for an hour at 400 degrees, turning every 20 minutes. Then, remove them from the oven and allow to cool. Once cool, peel off the skin and squeeze the juicy flesh in your hands until it is no longer so juicy (timid cooks not given to tactile experiences can simply heap the flesh in a fine mesh strainer and let the juice drip out). Place the flesh in a bowl, along with the juice of two lemons, four tablespoons of tahini, and six or seven pressed cloves of garlic. Puree all with a hand-mixer (or simply do the deed in a food processor) until smooth. Salt to taste. The baba ganoosh can then be enjoyed with chips, as a sandwich spread, or as a dip for vegetables. Some people, it is told, use it as a conditioner. Apparently, Mohammed (PBUHFH) had wondrously lustrous hair, all due to his judicious applications of baba ganoosh.

Baba ganoosh is the high point of Muslim cuisine in the Middle East, enjoyed by everyone and wept over at all the best parties when found in short supply. In fact, one of the most successful advertising campaigns ever run in Saudia Arabia was the Got Ganoosh? campaign. It featured a series of billboards portraying a sultry Arabianess dressed in a voluminous black tent and holding a heaping bowl of baba ganoosh. Eggplant sales skyrocketed when those billboards went up.


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