Monday, March 20, 2006

Where On Earth Do You Get Your News?!

I'm amazed there are people these days who get their news solely from newspapers and television. The only explanations for it is that they are either crazy or lazy or unaware of the internet (or maybe a badger is chewing on their ankle and that's preoccupying them). Newspapers and television can only present a pigeon's eye-view of the world, and pigeons, as you know, have their own interests at heart.

A case in point to illustrate this is the release of the document archive from Saddam-era Iraq. The translations have revealed contacts between Saddam's regime and Al-Qaida, terrorist-training camps, and the fact that Bin Laden visited Iraq previous to September 2001. Shouldn't the New York Times and the Washington Post be all over this?

Nah. That would torpedo their countless articles trumpeting the "facts" to the contrary.

Another case in point are the newspapers in my home county of Monterey. We're currently in a land-use war over the rewrite of our county General Plan. One one side: the environmentalists; on the other side: the farming community. However, do the papers refer to the farmers as farmers? No. They are constantly referred to as developers, due to the fact that the papers are sympathetic to the environmentalists. The word "developer," of course, carries with it all the evil connotations of concrete and suburbia and southern California sprawl.

The only thing farmers develop around here is lettuce.


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