Tuesday, November 07, 2006

How Stupid Are We?

I guess in terms of politicans and politics, we get what we deserve. That is, we get what we collectively deserve.

We have just achieved our first Muslim Congressman: Keith Ellison from Minneapolis. He has quite a dark past: member of the Nation of Islam, fundraiser for CAIR (and CAIR did fund-raising for his campaign), outspoken anti-Semite, etc. One of the depressing thing about Ellison is that his background was quite public, easily accessible, well-documented on the internet, yet he still got elected.

(As an aside, don't even start your mental gymnastics concerning Islam being a religion of peace and all that codswallop. It ain't. It is what it is. Some things in life are closed-system concepts, such as basic mathematics. 2+2 is always going to equal 4. Gravity always means attracting forces exert between objects. The speed of light stays constant. These are all concepts, factoids, things that are inherently true to what they are, because if they weren't, then they would not exist. They don't change due to public opinion or what's new in popular culture or whether enough botoxed Hollywood stars are whining. It's the same with Islam. It is what it is, and the world-view itself, the concept, the philosophy, the religion as written down at certain times and places in history, codified in the Kuran and it's attendant theological works, is a freakishly evil piece of mind-thrash. So sue me for being a bigoted Westerner. I'm just saying 2+2 is 4.)

Here in lovely enlightened California, we just voted in a whole mess of bonds. Schools, water, parks, dams, levees, etc. Bonds basically mean shoving the future down a bankrupt hole. Hello future - we're gonna hurt you. Do people even know what they're voting for? I guess the average American isn't capable of living within their means, so why should I expect them to think their government should live within its means.

And it looks like Nancy Pelosi is going to be the Speaker of the House...

End times are good times.


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