Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The First of a Million Fourths

Another 4th of July is here to stay for a while and then be gone again for 364 days. May it be the first of a million more 4ths for this country, though may they all contain the liberty that started back in 1776. I think this country, for the most part, takes that too lightly or has completely lost sight of what that means.

Liberty doesn't mean the freedom to go out and behave like a jackass, thought it certainly allows you to do that. Liberty doesn't mean the freedom to live irresponsibly without disregard for your neighbor, your community and your country, though it certainly allows you to do that. Liberty doesn't mean the freedom to place yourself above all else, though it certainly allows you to do that.

Live free or die. I wonder how we'll choose if faced with that choice?


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