Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Criminals Are In Favor Of Gun Control

A typical thought-blip of liberals is that gun control is a good thing. Get rid of guns and that will do away with violent crime. Outlaw those handguns and people won't be blowing other people away.

It's a nice thought, but it's a fatally flawed thought. For one thing, there is an extensive black market in weapons and that is primarily where criminals obtain their guns. Gun control legislation doesn't affect criminal ownership of guns. What it does affect, though, is the ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens (who do not tend to buy their guns on the black market).

Criminals, however, appreciate gun control because it means that whenever they mug someone or break into a house, the odds of their victim possessing a gun are greatly lessened.

Gun control keeps criminals safer and allows them to do their jobs with greater freedom.


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